Emerging Threat: Hackers Exploit Misconfigured Cloud Services for Crypto Mining

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Emerging Threat: Hackers Exploit Misconfigured Cloud Services for Crypto Mining

Threat actors are targeting misconfigured and vulnerable servers running Apache Hadoop YARN, Docker, Atlassian Confluence, and Redis services as part of an emerging malware campaign designed to deliver a cryptocurrency miner and spawn a reverse shell for persistent remote access.

By [Errraand News], March 13, 2024

In a worrying development, cybersecurity researchers have identified a new wave of cyberattacks targeting cloud infrastructure, leveraging vulnerabilities in commonly used services such as Apache Hadoop YARN, Docker, Atlassian Confluence, and Redis. These attacks, codenamed “Spinning YARN” by Cado Security, underscore the growing sophistication of threat actors in exploiting misconfigurations and vulnerabilities to deploy cryptocurrency miners and establish persistent access.

Emerging Threat Hackers Exploit Misconfigured Cloud Services for Crypto Mining


The Attack Vector

According to a report shared with The Hacker News by Cado security researcher Matt Muir, attackers are utilizing four novel Golang payloads capable of automating the identification and exploitation of susceptible Confluence, Docker, Hadoop YARN, and Redis hosts. Leveraging common misconfigurations and exploiting N-day vulnerabilities, the attackers execute Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks to compromise new hosts.

The attack chain begins with the deployment of these payloads, which then facilitate the installation of rootkits, concealment of malicious processes, and the deployment of the XMRig cryptocurrency miner. The attackers further employ tactics to weaken the system for additional compromise, including disabling firewalls, deleting command histories, and removing restrictions on outbound DNS requests.

Strategic Targeting and Techniques

The attackers demonstrate a deep understanding of web-facing services deployed in cloud environments, keeping pace with reported vulnerabilities to gain a foothold in target environments. They employ evasion techniques such as disabling security enforcement, modifying firewall rules, and removing cloud security services to ensure their activities remain undetected.

This campaign builds upon previous exploitation of known security flaws, with Uptycs revealing the 8220 Gang’s exploitation of vulnerabilities in Apache Log4j and Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center. These assaults, targeting cloud infrastructure from May 2023 through February 2024, demonstrate a profound understanding of cloud environments and advanced evasion techniques.

Evolution of Cloud-Based Threats

The emergence of attacks targeting cloud services signifies a broader trend in cyber threats, with threat actors increasingly targeting specialized cloud services that require technical knowledge to exploit. Cryptocurrency mining is no longer the sole motive, with the discovery of new Linux variants of ransomware families such as Abyss Locker, indicating a broader variety of attacks targeting cloud and Linux infrastructure.

FAQ: Emerging Threat: Hackers Exploit Misconfigured Cloud Services for Crypto Mining

Q: What services are being targeted in these attacks?
A: The attacks primarily target misconfigured and vulnerable servers running Apache Hadoop YARN, Docker, Atlassian Confluence, and Redis services.

Q: What is the objective of these attacks?
A: The attackers aim to deploy cryptocurrency miners and establish persistent remote access to compromised systems.

Q: How do attackers gain initial access to the targeted servers?
A: Attackers leverage common misconfigurations and exploit N-day vulnerabilities to execute Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks, enabling them to compromise new hosts.

Q: Are these attacks specific to a particular operating system?
A: No, these attacks target both Windows and Linux hosts.

Q: What can organizations do to protect against these attacks?
A: Organizations should ensure that their cloud infrastructure is properly configured, promptly apply security patches, and implement robust security measures to detect and mitigate malicious activities.


The emergence of the Spinning YARN campaign underscores the evolving threat landscape facing cloud infrastructure. As threat actors continue to exploit misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in commonly used services, it is imperative for organizations to remain vigilant and adopt proactive security measures to safeguard their cloud environments.

Table: Summary of Targeted Services and Attack Techniques

Service Attack Technique
Apache Hadoop YARN Exploitation of misconfigurations and N-day vulnerabilities for RCE
Docker Escaping from containers to compromise underlying hosts
Atlassian Confluence Leveraging known vulnerabilities for unauthorized access
Redis Exploiting vulnerabilities to deploy cryptocurrency miners

This article serves as a cautionary reminder for organizations to prioritize cybersecurity measures and stay ahead of evolving threats in the cloud landscape.

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