Indiana Wesleyan University Indian student Attacked in Chicago: Wife Appeals for Help, Writes to Jaishankar

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Indiana Wesleyan University Indian student Indian Student Attacked in Chicago: Wife Appeals for Help, Writes to Jaishankar

Indian Student Attacked in Chicago Wife Appeals for Help, Writes to Jaishankar
Indian Student Attacked in Chicago Wife Appeals for Help, Writes to Jaishankar :- India Today


Indiana Wesleyan University Indian student Syed Mazahir Ali, pursuing his master’s degree at Indiana Wesleyan University, found himself in a harrowing situation in Chicago after allegedly being assaulted (Indian Student Attacked in Chicago)

An Indian student, Syed Mazahir Ali, pursuing his master’s degree at Indiana Wesleyan University, found himself in a harrowing situation in Chicago after allegedly being assaulted and robbed by four assailants. A distressing video shared widely on social media captures Ali bleeding profusely from his face as he pleads for assistance.

In the video plea, Ali recounts the terrifying ordeal, describing how he was ambushed by four individuals who mercilessly kicked and punched him while robbing him of his belongings. His wife, Syeda Ruquliya Fatima Rizvi, based in Hyderabad, received the alarming news from a friend of Ali, who informed her of the vicious attack near their residence in Chicago.

In a heartfelt appeal addressed to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, Rizvi implored for urgent assistance in securing medical treatment for her husband. She also sought aid in arranging travel for herself and their three minor children to join Ali in the US amid the distressing circumstances.

The incident has sparked outrage and concern within the Indian community, particularly as it adds to a string of attacks on Indian American students in recent times. Just last month, four Indian students tragically lost their lives under various circumstances across the country.

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