Imran Khan Faces Fourth Court Conviction: Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison for Unlawful Marriage

In a series of legal setbacks, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan received another blow as he and his wife, Bushra Khan, were sentenced to seven years in prison for violating marriage laws. This latest ruling marks the third adverse judgment against the embattled leader in a single week, raising questions about his political future ahead of national elections.

Details of the Conviction: The court's decision on Saturday focused on the 2018 marriage between Imran Khan and Bushra Khan, deeming it unlawful under existing legal provisions. The former prime minister, already facing a 10-year sentence for leaking state secrets and a 14-year sentence for illegal sale of state gifts along with his wife, now confronts a cumulative legal challenge.

Controversy Surrounding the Marriage: Imran Khan and Bushra Khan's union, formalized in a secret "Nikkah" ceremony in January 2018, was shrouded in controversy. Questions arose about whether the marriage occurred within the prescribed waiting period, initially denied by Khan's party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Despite the denials, the PTI later confirmed the marriage, adding a layer of complexity to the legal proceedings.

Denials and Legal Consequences: Both Imran Khan and Bushra Khan vehemently denied any wrongdoing in connection with their marriage. The former prime minister is currently serving his sentences in Rawalpindi's prison, while his wife was allowed to serve her term at their residence in Islamabad.