7,000 Excess TB Deaths in Europe Linked to Covid-19 Pandemic: WHO Report

7,000 Excess TB Deaths in Europe Linked to Covid-19 Pandemic WHO Report
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7,000 Excess TB Deaths in Europe Linked to Covid-19 Pandemic: WHO Report

New Delhi, March 21 (IANS) – Europe experienced approximately 7,000 additional deaths from tuberculosis (TB) during the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020-2022, compared to pre-2020 estimates, as per a new report released on Thursday by the World Health Organization (WHO) ahead of World TB Day on March 24.

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Health Alert: Surge in Mumps Cases Sparks Concern in Kasaragod District

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Health Alert: Surge in Mumps Cases Sparks Concern in Kasaragod District

Kasaragod, Kerala – The Health department in Kasaragod has issued a public alert after a large number of mumps cases were reported in the district. District Medical Officer (DMO) A.V. Ramdas expressed concern over the spike in cases, noting that over 200 cases had been detected in the district in just over a month.

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What is the plague?

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What is the plague?

The term “plague” typically refers to infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Yersinia, primarily Yersinia pestis. The most infamous plague is the Black Death, which ravaged Europe in the 14th century, killing millions of people.

There are three primary forms of plague:

  1. Bubonic plague: This is the most common form, characterized by swollen and painful lymph nodes (called buboes), typically found in the groin, armpit, or neck.
  2. Septicemic plague: This occurs when the infection spreads to the bloodstream, causing severe sepsis and often leading to death if left untreated.
  3. Pneumonic plague: This is the most virulent form, affecting the lungs and causing severe pneumonia. It is also the only form that can spread from person to person through respiratory droplets.

Plague is typically transmitted through the bites of infected fleas, which primarily infest rodents such as rats. However, it can also be transmitted directly between humans through respiratory droplets in the case of pneumonic plague. Despite its historical significance, modern healthcare practices and antibiotics have made plague much less common and more easily treatable. Nevertheless, outbreaks still occur in some parts of the world.

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CDC warms of imported measles as US deals with cases

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Spread the loveCDC warms of imported measles as US deals with cases   Stay Alert for Measles Cases: CDC warms of imported measles as US deals with cases As the United States braces for the upcoming spring travel season, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is sounding the alarm on imported measles … Read more

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CDC Addresses Rebound of Mycoplasma Pneumonia in Kids: Understanding the Trends and Implications

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CDC Addresses Rebound of Mycoplasma Pneumonia in Kids: Understanding the Trends and Implications

CDC Addresses Rebound of Mycoplasma Pneumonia


Mycoplasma pneumoniae analysis

Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a human pathogen known for causing respiratory infections, possesses a unique characteristic that sets it apart from many other pathogens: it is capable of independent viability outside of host cells or organisms. This ability is remarkable considering its significantly reduced genome, which contains only around 700 protein-coding genes. Despite its minimalist genetic makeup, the study of Mycoplasma pneumoniae offers valuable insights into the fundamental requirements for cellular life.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in children: Symptoms in young children
  • Sneezing.
  • Stuffy or runny nose.
  • Sore throat.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Wheezing.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.

pediatric respiratory health

Exertional dyspnea, cough, and exercise intolerance emerge as prominent respiratory symptoms among children experiencing postacute COVID-19 respiratory issues. These symptoms were frequently observed in a cohort of pediatric patients attending an outpatient pulmonary clinic. The prevalence of these symptoms underscores the lingering respiratory challenges faced by children even after recovering from acute COVID-19 infection. Understanding and addressing these persistent symptoms are vital for comprehensive management and care of pediatric patients affected by postacute COVID-19 respiratory manifestations.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae resurgence in kids

Based on extensive data from over 30,000 PCR tests and bronchoscopy findings conducted at a pediatric hospital in east China between 2017 and 2023, a significant resurgence of M. pneumoniae has been observed. Since July 2023, there has been a marked increase in positive cases, with rates reaching up to 50%. This resurgence contrasts sharply with previous years, where the incidence of positive cases was notably lower. These findings highlight a concerning trend of M. pneumoniae re-emergence in the pediatric population in east China, underscoring the importance of continued surveillance and proactive measures to address this respiratory

Mycoplasma pneumoniae epidemiology in pediatric populations

In examining the age and seasonal patterns associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections, a distinct trend emerges. The median age of patients diagnosed with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) stands at 7.4 years, spanning from 1 month to 18 years. Notably, the age bracket of 6–10 years exhibits a significantly higher incidence rate of MPP compared to other age groups, comprising a staggering 76.3% of pneumonia cases. This observation underscores the susceptibility of children in this particular age range to Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections, emphasizing the importance of targeted preventive measures and heightened awareness within pediatric healthcare settings.

Antibiotic susceptibility of Mycoplasma pneumoniae strains

In clinical practice, caution is advised when prescribing certain antibiotics to young children. Tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones are generally avoided in this age group under normal circumstances due to potential adverse effects on developing bones and teeth. Instead, macrolides are commonly recommended as the preferred treatment option for pediatric patients. However, it’s essential for clinicians to exercise discretion in the use of macrolide drugs, as the emergence of macrolide-resistant strains presents a growing concern. By practicing prudent antibiotic stewardship, clinicians can help mitigate the risk of antimicrobial resistance while ensuring effective treatment outcomes for young patients.


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, health authorities have been vigilant about monitoring the resurgence of various respiratory illnesses among children. Among the notable concerns is the resurgence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a bacterium responsible for a spectrum of respiratory infections, ranging from mild cases of “walking pneumonia” to severe complications requiring hospitalization. A recent analysis conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sheds light on the trends surrounding Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in children, offering insights into its prevalence and implications in the post-pandemic era.

What were the findings of the CDC analysis regarding Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in children?

The analysis, detailed in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, revealed significant fluctuations in the incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections among pediatric populations. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the percentage of Mycoplasma pneumoniae diagnoses in emergency department (ED) visits stood at 1.15%. However, during the pandemic, this figure plummeted to just 0.35%. In the aftermath of the pandemic, there was a noticeable rebound, with the percentage rising to 0.89%. Similarly, the percentage of positive Mycoplasma pneumoniae test results saw a decline during the pandemic, dropping from 1.2% to 0.04%, before ascending to 0.53% post-pandemic.

How did the resurgence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections compare to pre-pandemic levels?

While there was a discernible rebound in Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections post-pandemic, the numbers remained lower than those observed before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This suggests that while there was an uptick in cases, the levels did not reach the same magnitude as seen in the pre-pandemic period.

What are the implications of these findings?

The resurgence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections, albeit not to pre-pandemic levels, underscores the importance of continued surveillance and proactive measures to mitigate the spread of respiratory illnesses among children. Although most infections caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae are mild, vigilance is warranted as severe cases necessitating hospitalization can occur.

How do these findings contribute to our understanding of pediatric respiratory infections?

The cyclical nature of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections, characterized by significant increases every 3 to 5 years, highlights the dynamic nature of respiratory pathogens and the need for ongoing monitoring and research efforts. Additionally, the susceptibility of Mycoplasma pneumoniae strains to macrolides, a class of antibiotics, underscores the importance of adhering to recommended treatment guidelines to effectively manage infections and mitigate the risk of antimicrobial resistance.


The CDC’s analysis offers valuable insights into the trends surrounding Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in children, providing a nuanced understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric respiratory health. While the resurgence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections post-pandemic warrants attention, the findings also provide reassurance that the levels observed did not surpass those seen in the pre-pandemic period. Moving forward, continued surveillance, research, and adherence to treatment guidelines will be essential in safeguarding children’s respiratory health in the face of evolving infectious threats.

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Oura Ring Alternatives for Health and Fitness Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide

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Oura Ring Alternatives for Health and Fitness Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide

Oura Ring Alternatives for Health and Fitness Tracking :- DT


Introduction: In the realm of wearable technology, the Oura Ring has carved a niche for itself as a top-tier smart ring offering comprehensive health and fitness tracking capabilities. However, with its price point and recurring subscription model, it may not be the ideal choice for everyone. For those seeking alternatives that provide similar functionalities without breaking the bank or committing to monthly fees, several options are worth exploring. In this article, we delve into some of the best Oura Ring alternatives, providing insights, comparisons, and recommendations.


FAQ: Oura Ring Alternatives for Health and Fitness Tracking

1. Why Do You Need an Oura Ring Alternative?

There are several reasons why individuals might seek alternatives to the Oura Ring:

  • Cancellation of Oura membership plan: Some users may wish to opt out of the recurring subscription model associated with the Oura Ring.
  • Preference for wrist-worn devices: While the Oura Ring is worn on the finger, some users may prefer the convenience of wrist-worn trackers.
  • Desire for additional features: Users may seek devices that offer a broader range of health and fitness metrics beyond those provided by the Oura Ring.
  • Avoidance of subscription fees: Individuals may be deterred by the ongoing monthly or annual subscription fees required by the Oura Ring.

2. Best Oura Ring Alternatives Explained:

Apple Watch Series 8: Renowned for its comprehensive health and fitness tracking capabilities, the Apple Watch Series 8 stands out as a compelling alternative to the Oura Ring. With features such as heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, blood oxygen measurement, and activity tracking, it offers a holistic approach to wellness. While lacking the Oura Ring’s water-resistance rating, the Apple Watch Series 8 provides ample functionality for most users.

Whoop Strap 4.0: Offering wrist-worn tracking akin to traditional fitness bands, the Whoop Strap 4.0 presents an alternative to the Oura Ring. With metrics overlapping those of the Oura Ring, including sleep, recovery, and activity data, the Whoop Strap provides valuable insights for optimizing performance. However, its subscription-based model may deter some users, despite its robust tracking capabilities.

BodiMetrics Circul Sleep and Fitness Ring: Catering to budget-conscious consumers, the Circul Ring by BodiMetrics offers an affordable alternative to the Oura Ring. Despite its lesser-known status, the Circul Ring boasts sleep, exercise, and daytime modes, monitoring vital health metrics without the need for a recurring subscription. While lacking the Oura Ring’s brand recognition, it serves as a cost-effective option for those seeking basic health tracking.

Go2Sleep Advanced HST Tracker Ring: Specializing in sleep quality assessment, the Go2Sleep ring excels in providing detailed insights into sleep patterns and potential sleep apnea issues. While offering comparable metrics to the Oura Ring, including blood oxygen levels and heart rate monitoring, it falls short in terms of water resistance and battery life. Nonetheless, for individuals prioritizing sleep optimization, the Go2Sleep ring remains a viable alternative.

3. Final Thoughts:

When considering an Oura Ring alternative, it’s essential to weigh the specific health and fitness metrics you wish to track against factors such as cost and subscription plans. Whether opting for the Apple Watch Series 8, Whoop Strap 4.0, BodiMetrics Circul Ring, or Go2Sleep Tracker Ring, each alternative comes with its own set of pros and cons. By carefully evaluating your preferences and requirements, you can select the alternative that best aligns with your wellness goals.

Conclusion: In the diverse landscape of health and fitness wearables, the quest for the perfect Oura Ring alternative offers a range of options tailored to individual needs and preferences. From established smartwatches to emerging sleep trackers, the market provides alternatives suited to every budget and tracking requirement. By exploring the recommendations outlined in this article and conducting further research, users can find the ideal alternative to the Oura Ring, empowering them to optimize their health and wellness journey.

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Tragic Consequences Unveiled: Case Series Reveals Deadly Adverse Drug Reactions at Leading North Indian Teaching Hospitals

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Tragic Consequences Unveiled: Case Series Reveals Deadly Adverse Drug Reactions at Leading North Indian Teaching Hospitals

Adverse Drug Reactions


The burden of fatal adverse drug reactions (FADRs) in the medical field is considerable, yet there is a lack of comprehensive epidemiological data from India compared to the Western world. In this study, we present a case series detailing Reporting fatal adverse drug reactions observed over a two-year period in a tertiary care teaching hospital. The point prevalence of FADRs was found to be 0.223%, while the overall point prevalence of all-cause mortality in the hospital stood at 1.20%.

The drugs implicated in causing Reporting fatal adverse drug reactions included injection bupivacaine, amphotericin B, directly observed treatment short-course Category-1, injection streptokinase, and tablet ferrous sulfate. Except for one case labeled as probable, all FADRs were categorized as possible, all falling under type A reactions. Central nervous system involvement was noted in three out of five cases, while hepatic system and multiorgan failure accounted for one case each.

Of the cases, two were classified as acute, two as subacute, and one as latent in nature. The importance of reporting fatal adverse drug reactions cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in ensuring patient safety and preventing future adverse events.


Exploring the Grim Reality: Fatal Adverse Drug Reactions in Indian Healthcare


Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) stand as a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality worldwide. Shockingly, fatal ADRs (FADRs) afflict approximately 0.32% of hospitalized patients, revealing an alarming toll on human life. While data from the Western world shed light on this issue, there remains a paucity of comprehensive information from India. Understanding and reporting fatal adverse drug reactions are crucial not only for patient safety but also for guiding regulatory interventions to mitigate drug-induced fatalities. Herein, we present a case series documenting FADRs observed over a two-year period.

Adverse Drug Events :- Gov.bc.ca


Case Reports

Case 1: A 21-year-old male underwent elective surgery and received injection bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia. However, he swiftly deteriorated into shock and succumbed within a day.

Case 2: A HIV-positive female with candida esophagitis received amphotericin B, leading to seizures and subsequent death after seven days.

Case 3: A hypertensive postmenopausal female on anti-tubercular therapy developed drug-induced hepatitis, progressing to hepatic encephalopathy and eventual demise.

Case 4: A hypothyroid male with myocardial infarction received streptokinase, developing intracerebral hemorrhage and passing away six days later.

Case 5: A toddler ingested iron tablets meant for her mother, resulting in gastrointestinal bleeding, multiorgan failure, and death within two days.


The majority of fatal adverse drug reactions in our series were probable, implicating drugs like bupivacaine, amphotericin B, anti-tubercular therapy, streptokinase, and iron sulfate. Central nervous system involvement predominated, highlighting the diverse clinical presentations of FADRs. Notably, our study revealed a FADR prevalence of 0.223%, underscoring the urgency for heightened surveillance and reporting mechanisms.


This case series underscores the imperative for a dedicated national database on FADRs in India. Such initiatives are paramount for bolstering patient safety measures and mitigating the burden of drug-induced fatalities.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are adverse drug reactions (ADRs)? Adverse drug reactions refer to harmful or unintended reactions caused by medications, ranging from mild to severe, including fatalities.
  2. Why is it important to report fatal adverse drug reactions ? Reporting fatal adverse drug reactions is crucial for identifying potential risks associated with medications, enhancing patient safety, and guiding regulatory interventions to prevent future adverse events.
  3. What factors contribute to fatal adverse drug reactions ? fatal adverse drug reactions can stem from various factors, including individual patient characteristics, drug interactions, dosing errors, and underlying medical conditions.
  4. How can healthcare professionals mitigate fatal adverse drug reactions? Healthcare professionals can mitigate fatal adverse drug reactions through vigilant monitoring of patients, adherence to prescribing guidelines, comprehensive medication reconciliation, and prompt reporting of suspected adverse events.
  5. What role do regulatory authorities play in addressing fatal adverse drug reactions? Regulatory authorities play a pivotal role in monitoring drug safety, evaluating adverse event reports, implementing risk mitigation strategies, and disseminating safety information to healthcare providers and the public.

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Understanding Adverse Drug Events, Reactions, and Medication Errors Killing people FAQs Unveiled

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Understanding Adverse Drug Events, Reactions, and Medication Errors Killing people FAQs Unveiled

reporting adverse drug :- council of international organizations of medical science


Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions India : Council of International Organizations of Medical Science

Frequently Asked Questions About Documenting and Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions in India


What constitutes an adverse drug event (ADE)?
An adverse drug event encompasses injuries resulting from drug use, including harm caused directly by the drug or harm from the use of the drug, such as dose reductions or discontinuations of drug therapy. While some ADEs result from medication errors, the majority do not.

How is an adverse drug reaction (ADR) defined?
An adverse drug reaction is a noxious and unintended response to a drug occurring at doses typically used for treatment or diagnosis. Unlike side effects, there is a direct causal link between the drug and the adverse reaction.

How does an ADR differ from a side effect or allergy?
An allergy involves an adverse drug reaction mediated by the immune system, while a side effect is an expected outcome of drug use that is not the intended therapeutic effect. The term “side effect” is recommended to be avoided in favor of adverse drug reaction to emphasize the potential for harm.

What constitutes a medication error?
Medication errors are mishaps that occur during any stage of drug management, including prescribing, dispensing, administration, and monitoring. Not all prescribing errors lead to adverse outcomes, but they can pose risks to patient safety.

People Are Dying Because of Medicinal Reactions

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People Are Dying Because of Medicinal Reactions Adverse Drug Reactions

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People Are Dying Because of Medicinal Reactions Adverse Drug Reactions

People Are Dying Because of Medicinal Reactions


In a world where medical advancements have saved countless lives, it is sobering to acknowledge that people are still losing their lives due to medicinal reactions. This crisis transcends borders, affecting individuals in both affluent and impoverished nations alike. Let us delve into the heart of this issue and explore the urgent need for change.

The High Price of Medicines: A Global Problem (People Are Dying Because of Medicinal Reactions Adverse Drug Reactions)

Access to life-saving drugs is a fundamental human right. However, the exorbitant cost of medications remains a significant barrier. Consider these alarming examples:

  1. Kadcyla: In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service grapples with the decision not to pay for Kadcyla, a breakthrough medicine for breast cancer. Its staggering price tag of £102,405 (almost four times the UK’s 2014 per capita income) denies patients access to a potentially life-extending treatment1.
  2. Hepatitis C Treatment: In France, the cost of providing medicines to treat all Hepatitis C patients would exceed the annual budget of public hospitals in Paris. These life-saving treatments can cost over $100,000 per patient1.
  3. Neglected Diseases: Investment in research and development (R&D) for diseases affecting impoverished populations remains inadequate. Profit-driven models discourage pharmaceutical companies from focusing on diseases that won’t yield substantial financial gains. Consequently, when crises like Ebola strike, we find ourselves unprepared, lacking vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments1.


The Silent Toll: Bad Reactions to Medication in India(People Are Dying Because of Medicinal Reactions)

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs), though often silent, cast a long shadow over the lives of countless individuals in India. These unintended and harmful responses to medications pose a significant threat to patient safety and well-being. Let us delve into the complexities of this issue and explore the urgent need for vigilance

Rethinking the System

It is time for a paradigm shift. We must:

  • Prioritize Access: Access to medicines should be universal, irrespective of economic status or geographic location.
  • Challenge Intellectual Property Rules: The current system, driven by pharmaceutical industry interests, clashes with the human right to health. We need a fair balance that ensures innovation without sacrificing accessibility.
  • Invest in R&D for Neglected Diseases: Our collective well-being demands research into neglected diseases. The current antimicrobial resistance crisis underscores this urgency1.

As we mourn those lost to medicinal reactions, let us channel our grief into action. Lives depend on it.

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what causes epilepsy? Understanding Epilepsy: Causes, Symptoms, and Risks

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What causes epilepsy? Understanding Epilepsy: Causes, Symptoms, and Risks

What causes epilepsy? :- Manipal Hospital


An In-depth Look at the Complexities of Epilepsy : What causes epilepsy?

Epilepsy, often referred to as a seizure disorder, is a neurological condition characterized by recurrent seizures. These seizures can manifest in various forms, affecting individuals differently based on the type and severity of the condition. Despite its prevalence and impact on millions worldwide, epilepsy remains a misunderstood and stigmatized condition. Here, we delve into the intricacies of epilepsy, exploring its causes, symptoms, and associated risks.

Causes of Epilepsy

Epilepsy can arise from a multitude of factors, with its exact cause often remaining unknown. However, researchers have identified several common contributors to the development of epilepsy:

  1. Genetic Influence: Some types of epilepsy have a hereditary component, running in families and suggesting a genetic influence. While specific genes have been linked to certain forms of epilepsy, genetic changes can also occur spontaneously, contributing to the condition. these are the Genetic factors influencing epilepsy .
  2. Head Trauma: Traumatic brain injury resulting from accidents or severe blows to the head can increase the risk of developing epilepsy. Even seemingly minor injuries can trigger epileptic seizures in susceptible individuals. some Risk factors for developing epilepsy .
  3. Brain Abnormalities: Structural abnormalities in the brain, such as tumors, malformations of blood vessels, or lesions, can disrupt normal brain function and lead to epilepsy. These anomalies may interfere with electrical signaling in the brain, precipitating seizures.
  4. Infections: Certain infections affecting the central nervous system, including meningitis, encephalitis, and parasitic infections, can provoke epileptic seizures. These infections cause inflammation and damage to brain tissue, resulting in epileptic activity. some Common triggers for epileptic seizures .
  5. Possible seizure triggers include:
    • Alcohol.
    • Flashing lights.
    • Illicit drug use.
    • Skipping doses of antiseizure medicines or taking more than prescribed.
    • Lack of sleep.
    • Hormone changes during the menstrual cycle.
    • Stress.
    • Dehydration.


  6. Developmental Factors: Adverse prenatal conditions, such as maternal infections, inadequate oxygen supply, or nutritional deficiencies, can impair fetal brain development and predispose individuals to epilepsy later in life.
  7. Seizure Triggers: While not causes of epilepsy per se, various environmental factors and triggers can precipitate seizures in individuals with epilepsy. These triggers include alcohol consumption, sleep deprivation, stress, hormonal fluctuations, and certain medications.

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SILK Eye Surgery India’s Johnson & Johnson Unveils Revolutionary SILK Procedure: A Game-Changer in Vision Correction

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SILK Eye Surgery India’s Johnson & Johnson Unveils Revolutionary SILK Procedure: A Game-Changer in Vision Correction

SILK Eye Surgery :- Center of Eye


In a groundbreaking leap forward in the realm of eye care, Johnson & Johnson, USA, has introduced the revolutionary SILK Procedure, a transformative advancement in vision correction. This cutting-edge procedure is poised to redefine the landscape of refractive surgeries, offering unparalleled benefits and setting new standards in patient care and outcomes.

What is the SILK Procedure?

SILK Eye Surgery Revolutionary SILK Procedure for vision correction

Advanced FLAP-LESS Laser Vision Correction

The SILK Procedure, developed by Johnson & Johnson Vision, represents the pinnacle of modern refractive laser technology. It stands as the world’s most advanced FLAP-LESS Laser Vision Correction procedure, designed to correct myopia (nearsightedness) up to 8D and astigmatism up to 3D. Unlike traditional methods, the SILK Procedure promises superior visual acuity, with a focus on providing patients with improved vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Key Features and Benefits

The SILK Procedure boasts several distinctive features that set it apart from conventional refractive surgeries: Quick recovery after SILK eye surgery

  1. Immediate Recovery: Patients undergoing the SILK Procedure experience remarkably quick recovery times, often returning to their daily routines within 24 hours. This rapid recovery is facilitated by the flapless nature of the procedure, which minimizes post-operative discomfort and downtime.
  2. Bladeless, Painless, and Stitchless: Leveraging state-of-the-art Femto-laser technology, the SILK Procedure offers a bladeless, painless, and stitchless experience for patients. By eliminating the need for injections and sutures, the procedure maximizes patient comfort and safety, ensuring a seamless surgical experience these are the Benefits of bladeless painless and stitchless eye surgery.
  3. SILK Eye Surgery Cost in India: The SILK Procedure is now available in India at a cost of Rs 1,25,000 for both eyes. While the price may vary depending on the hospital and surgeon, this investment represents a transformative opportunity for individuals seeking freedom from visual impairments.
SILK Eye Surgery :- Eye-Q


Endorsement from Renowned Experts

Renowned ophthalmologist Dr. Rahil Chaudhary, director of Eye7 Eye Hospitals and holder of a Guinness World Record for most LASIK surgeries, has enthusiastically endorsed the SILK Procedure. Drawing on his extensive experience in refractive surgery, Dr. Chaudhary hails SILK as a game-changer in vision correction, offering unparalleled safety, efficacy, and patient satisfaction.

The Future of Vision Correction

As the SILK Procedure continues to gain traction, it is poised to revolutionize the field of vision correction, offering millions of individuals worldwide a path to clearer, sharper vision. With its advanced technology, rapid recovery times, and exceptional outcomes, SILK represents a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and address refractive errors.

SILK Eye Surgery :- Visual Aids center



In an era marked by unprecedented medical innovation, the SILK Procedure stands as a testament to human ingenuity and progress. With its promise of enhanced visual acuity, minimal discomfort, and rapid recovery, SILK heralds a new dawn in vision correction, empowering individuals to embrace a future free from the constraints of corrective eyewear. As we embark on this transformative journey, the possibilities for clearer, brighter vision are endless.

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Indian Model Poonam Pandey Sparks Outrage with Fake Cervical Cancer Death Announcement

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Indian Model Poonam Pandey Sparks Outrage with Fake Cervical Cancer Death Announcement

Indian Model Poonam Pandey Sparks Outrage with Fake Cervical Cancer Death Announcement :- TOI


In a shocking turn of events, Indian model Poonam Pandey has triggered widespread backlash after falsely claiming her death on Instagram, citing cervical cancer as the cause. The announcement, made in what seemed like an official statement on her social media accounts, stated that Pandey had “bravely fought the disease” and succumbed to it.

The faux announcement led to an immediate surge of reports, obituaries, and condolences from both media outlets and Bollywood stars, who mournfully paid tribute to the alleged demise of the 32-year-old model. Her Wikipedia page was also updated to reflect the false news of her death.

However, suspicions arose among followers who noted that Pandey had posted footage of herself on a boat in Goa, seemingly in good health, just four days before the death announcement. This raised skepticism about the authenticity of the news.

Addressing the controversy, Pandey posted a video on Instagram a day later, admitting that her death announcement was a hoax. In the video, she defended her actions, stating, “Yes, I faked my demise, extreme I know. But suddenly we all are talking about cervical cancer, aren’t we? I am proud of what my death news has been able to achieve.”

Despite her claim of raising awareness about cervical cancer, Pandey faced severe criticism for what many deemed “attention-seeking behavior” and a “manipulative stunt.” Commenters expressed their disapproval, emphasizing the unethical nature of faking one’s death for publicity.

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