Delhi’s Geo-tagging Deadline Extended Again: MCD Grants Additional Time Amidst Low Compliance

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Delhi’s Geo-tagging Deadline Extended Again: MCD Grants Additional Time Amidst Low Compliance

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has announced yet another extension for the geo-tagging deadline, now set for March 31, according to an official order released on Thursday. This decision follows concerns raised over the low compliance rate, with only 2.5 lakh out of the total 15 lakh taxable residential properties in the city being geo-tagged, as reported by official sources.

Delhi’s Geo-tagging Deadline Extended Again MCD Grants Additional Time Amidst Low Compliance


The initial deadline for completing geo-tagging for the 15 lakh homes in Delhi was January 31 of this year. However, due to technical glitches and other reasons, the deadline was extended to February 29. The MCD office issued an order stating, “…A large number of taxpayers use iPhone (iOS version), and we were unable to geo-tag their properties, therefore, the deadline was extended to 29.2.2024.”

Despite the extensions, a significant number of taxpayers have yet to geo-tag their properties. Recognizing this, the MCD’s assessment and collection department has decided on another extension to give taxpayers additional time to complete the process. “In order to give an opportunity to taxpayers to geo-tag their properties, it has been decided to extend the last date of geo-tagging of properties by taxpayers till March 31, 2024,” read the order.


Geo-tagging properties involves digitally mapping a property with the geographic information system (GIS), providing each property with unique and permanent latitude and longitude coordinates. MCD officials highlight several benefits of this exercise, including aiding in urban planning and identifying illegal and unauthorized properties and colonies.

The original plan included the geo-tagging of 4 lakh non-residential properties, with MCD officials visiting commercial properties to carry out the exercise. To streamline the process and reduce costs, a provision for self-geotagging was introduced for residential properties.

Deputy Mayor Aley Mohammad Iqbal emphasized the significance of this effort compared to the substantial expenditures incurred by cities like Mumbai and Bangalore for property geo-tagging.

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However, not all stakeholders are pleased with this exercise. Sharaf Sabri, general secretary of Jangpura RWA, expressed concerns about the challenges faced by many citizens, especially senior citizens, in self-geo-tagging their properties. Similarly, Savita Soni from the Vasant Kunj RWA highlighted the lack of awareness about the process and efforts made by RWAs to educate citizens through training camps.

The MCD, in its order, emphasized the importance of geo-tagging for property owners. Failure to geo-tag properties by the deadline would result in the inability to avail the rebate on lump sum payment of tax by June 30, 2024, in the next financial year (2024-25).

FAQ: Delhi’s Geo-tagging Deadline Extended Again: MCD Grants Additional Time Amidst Low Compliance

1. What is geo-tagging of properties? Geo-tagging properties involves digitally mapping them using geographic information systems (GIS), providing each property with unique latitude and longitude coordinates.

2. Why is the MCD implementing geo-tagging? The MCD aims to streamline urban planning, identify illegal properties, and improve tax collection through geo-tagging.

3. Who is responsible for geo-tagging properties? Property owners are responsible for geo-tagging their properties, although the MCD has provided provisions for self-geo-tagging to streamline the process.

4. What happens if a property is not geo-tagged by the deadline? Failure to geo-tag properties by the deadline may result in the inability to avail rebates on tax payments in the subsequent financial year.

5. Are there any exceptions to the geo-tagging requirement? While there are no specific exceptions, concerns have been raised regarding the challenges faced by certain demographics, such as senior citizens, in completing the geo-tagging process.

Table: Compliance Rate of Geo-tagging in Delhi

Date Total Taxable Residential Properties Geo-tagged Properties
January 31 15 lakh 0.5 lakh
February 29 15 lakh 2.5 lakh
March 31 15 lakh (Expected)

(Data for illustrative purposes only)

In summary, the MCD’s decision to extend the deadline for geo-tagging properties reflects ongoing challenges faced by taxpayers and aims to ensure a higher compliance rate in this crucial exercise.

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