How is China Controlling World Media Especially in India USA Europe and Pakistan? | Errraand News

How is China Controlling World Media Especially in India USA Europe and Pakistan?

चीन अपने एजेंडे के लिए विश्व मीडिया, विशेषकर भारत, अमेरिका, यूरोप और पाकिस्तान को कैसे नियंत्रित कर रहा है? Is China Manipulating Global Media to Further Its Agendas in India, USA, Europe, and Pakistan? Report Highlights China’s Manipulation of Global Media The US State Department has released a report that sheds light on China’s alleged manipulation of global media through various tactics. This report raises concerns about the potential consequences for global freedom of expression. #india #china #america #pakistan #europe #globalmedia At Errand , we focus on latest news, bring you latests stories from across the world and india . Through Errand , an educational pro-India channel , we bring world news with an India perspective, putting nuance over news & adding indian value to viewers. With a differnt approach news shows, Errand represents well researched topics from across the globe that impact humanty and world news that might not be touched upon by media. FACEBOOK : INSTAGRAM :

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