CEC Rajiv Kumar: Final Decision on Simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections in Jammu and Kashmir Pending Security Review and Political Feedback

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CEC Rajiv Kumar: Final Decision on Simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections in Jammu and Kashmir Pending Security Review and Political Feedback

Srinagar, March 13: Chief Election Commissioner of India, Rajiv Kumar, announced on Wednesday that the final decision regarding the simultaneous conduct of Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir will be made after comprehensive consultations with security agencies and political stakeholders. Despite the ongoing deliberations, Kumar assured that the elections would be conducted promptly without significant delays.

Final Decision on Simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections in Jammu and Kashmir Pending Security Review and Political Feedback


Addressing the media in Jammu, CEC Rajiv Kumar expressed the Election Commission’s commitment to facilitating the democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir. He stated, “We are concerned about Lok Sabha and Assembly polls in J&K. The majority of political parties we met in Srinagar and Jammu demanded that Assembly and Lok Sabha polls be held simultaneously.”

While emphasizing the importance of synchronization between Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, Kumar emphasized that the Election Commission would make a final decision after conducting a thorough security review and obtaining feedback from political parties. “One thing is sure that we want early Lok Sabha and Assembly polls in J&K,” he affirmed.

Despite security challenges in the region, Kumar reiterated his assurance of conducting the elections in a peaceful manner. “There will be free and fair polls in J&K,” he asserted.

Feedback from Political Parties

During the consultations held in Srinagar and Jammu, political parties conveyed their strong preference for simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. This sentiment aligns with the desire for efficient governance and political stability in the region.

Security Review

Given the unique security landscape of Jammu and Kashmir, the Election Commission recognizes the critical importance of a comprehensive security review before finalizing election plans. The safety and participation of voters, candidates, and electoral staff remain paramount considerations in this process.

Timely Conduct of Elections

Despite the complexities involved, the Election Commission is committed to ensuring timely elections in Jammu and Kashmir. The democratic rights of the people will be upheld, and efforts will be made to minimize any potential delays.

Assurances of Free and Fair Polls

CEC Rajiv Kumar’s assurances of free and fair elections underscore the Election Commission’s commitment to transparency and integrity in the electoral process. Measures will be implemented to ensure that all eligible voters can exercise their franchise without fear or intimidation.


As discussions continue and preparations progress, the Election Commission remains dedicated to facilitating the democratic aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The final decision regarding simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections will be made with due consideration to security concerns and feedback from political parties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): CEC Rajiv Kumar: Final Decision on Simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections in Jammu and Kashmir Pending Security Review and Political Feedback

Q: What is the current status of Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir?
A: The Election Commission is deliberating on the possibility of holding simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in the region.

Q: What factors will influence the final decision on election synchronization?
A: The decision will be based on thorough consultations with security agencies and political parties, with a focus on ensuring the safety and integrity of the electoral process.

Q: Are there any assurances regarding the conduct of elections?
A: CEC Rajiv Kumar has affirmed the Election Commission’s commitment to conducting free and fair elections in Jammu and Kashmir.

Q: How soon can we expect the elections to be held?
A: While exact dates are yet to be determined, efforts are being made to conduct the elections promptly, minimizing any potential delays.

Q: What measures will be taken to address security concerns?
A: A comprehensive security review will be conducted to assess and mitigate risks, ensuring the safety of voters, candidates, and electoral staff.

Q: What feedback has been received from political parties regarding simultaneous elections?
A: The majority of political parties in Jammu and Kashmir have expressed support for holding Lok Sabha and Assembly elections concurrently, emphasizing the need for efficient governance and stability.

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