Kerala Governor Affirms Historical Context: CAA Aligns with Vision of Gandhi, Nehru, and Singh

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Kerala Governor Affirms Historical Context: CAA Aligns with Vision of Gandhi, Nehru, and Singh


In a recent statement, Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan emphasized the historical context of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), highlighting that it aligns with the vision of prominent leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Dr. Manmohan Singh. Governor Khan’s remarks come amidst ongoing protests and debates surrounding the CAA across the nation.

Kerala Governor Affirms Historical Context CAA Aligns with Vision of Gandhi, Nehru, and Singh


Governor Khan reiterated that the concept of providing citizenship to persecuted minorities was not new in India’s political discourse. He emphasized that leaders from various political spectrums, including Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad, and Dr. Manmohan Singh, had previously discussed and supported the idea. Khan underscored that this commitment to safeguarding persecuted religious minorities was initially made in 1947, during the formative years of independent India.

The contentious nature of the CAA has sparked widespread debates and protests, particularly among opposition parties. The Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee has been actively opposing the implementation of the CAA. Recently, they organized a protest in front of the Raj Bhavan, expressing dissent against the Central government’s decision to enforce the law.

During the protest, VD Satheesan, the Leader of the Opposition in the Kerala State Assembly, criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for what he perceived as an attempt to divide communities along communal lines. Satheesan accused the BJP of exploiting legislative powers to serve their political agenda, contrasting it with the Congress’s approach to governance during their tenure.

Various Congress leaders, including UDF convenor MM Hassan, Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor, and Attingal MP Adoor Prakash, joined the protest against the Modi-led government’s policies, further highlighting the polarization surrounding the CAA.

The dissent against the CAA is not limited to Kerala but has spread across the country. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been vocal in her opposition to the law, associating it with the National Register of Citizens (NRC). She labeled the CAA as a ‘political gimmick’ orchestrated by the ruling party in the run-up to the Lok Sabha polls.

The recent notification of CAA rules by the BJP-led government has intensified the debate. The delay in issuing the rules, four years after the passage of the CAA in Parliament, has raised eyebrows and invited criticism from opposition parties. The law expedites the citizenship process for non-Muslim migrants who are considered persecuted religious minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, and arrived in India before December 31, 2014.

Critics argue that the CAA undermines the secular fabric of the Indian Constitution by selectively granting citizenship based on religious identity. They raise concerns about discrimination against Muslim minorities and potential implications for India’s pluralistic society.

However, supporters of the CAA argue that it upholds India’s humanitarian values by providing refuge to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries. They contend that the law does not discriminate against any Indian citizen and is in line with the country’s tradition of sheltering the oppressed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Kerala Governor Affirms Historical Context: CAA Aligns with Vision of Gandhi, Nehru, and Singh

Q: What is the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)?
A: The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is a law passed by the Indian Parliament in 2019. It aims to expedite the process of granting Indian citizenship to persecuted religious minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, who arrived in India before December 31, 2014.

Q: Why is there opposition to the CAA?
A: Opponents of the CAA argue that it discriminates against Muslims and violates the secular principles of the Indian Constitution. They believe that citizenship should not be granted based on religious identity and that the law undermines the inclusive ethos of India.

Q: What are the arguments in favor of the CAA?
A: Supporters of the CAA argue that it provides protection to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries and aligns with India’s tradition of providing refuge to the oppressed. They assert that the law does not target any Indian citizen and is a humanitarian measure.

Q: How does the CAA relate to the National Register of Citizens (NRC)?
A: The CAA and the NRC are often discussed together because they intersect in the context of citizenship issues. While the CAA facilitates citizenship for certain religious minorities, the NRC aims to identify undocumented immigrants residing in India, irrespective of their religious background.

Q: What is the current status of the CAA?
A: The CAA is currently in force in India, although its implementation has been met with protests and legal challenges. The government has issued notifications and rules related to the implementation of the law, leading to ongoing debates and discussions across the country.


The Citizenship Amendment Act continues to be a subject of intense debate and controversy in India. While proponents argue that it fulfills a humanitarian obligation to protect persecuted minorities, critics maintain that it undermines the secular principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution. As the discourse surrounding the CAA evolves, it remains a focal point of political contention and societal debate in the country.

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