Jaishankar Counters Opposition: Foreign Policy Not About Popularity

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Jaishankar Counters Opposition: Foreign Policy Not About Popularity

By [Errraand News], March 21, 2024

In a robust defense of India’s foreign policy, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar confronted opposition criticisms, emphasizing that India’s global engagements were not about garnering popularity but safeguarding national interests. His remarks came during the 2024 CNN-News18’s Rising Bharat Summit, where he addressed key concerns raised by the opposition regarding India’s diplomatic stance.

Jaishankar Counters Opposition Foreign Policy Not About Popularity


Jaishankar began by questioning the opposition’s expectations, asserting that foreign policy wasn’t about aligning with narratives that could be detrimental to the nation. He criticized the notion of prioritizing global perceptions over domestic interests, particularly highlighting the issue of energy imports amid the Ukraine conflict. His comments were seemingly aimed at dispelling criticisms from Western entities that had disapproved of India’s energy deals with Russia.

Furthermore, Jaishankar tackled the contentious issue of relations with Pakistan, emphasizing India’s steadfast approach in prioritizing counterterrorism efforts. He defended the government’s decision to revoke Article 370 in August 2019, a move that restructured the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir. Despite opposition from Pakistan, Jaishankar reiterated India’s stance, emphasizing that national interests would not be compromised due to external pressures.

In response to opposition queries regarding China, Jaishankar highlighted India’s historical vulnerability to a two-front conflict since gaining independence. He questioned the opposition’s interpretation of strategic partnerships, pointing out the consistent threat posed by both China and Pakistan. Drawing from historical references, he underscored the importance of understanding India’s geopolitical dynamics, citing past neglect by former leaders in addressing emerging threats.

Jaishankar’s remarks underscored the government’s commitment to assertive diplomacy, grounded in the defense of national sovereignty and interests. By challenging the opposition’s narrative on foreign policy, he sought to reiterate India’s autonomy in shaping its global engagements.

FAQ: Jaishankar Counters Opposition: Foreign Policy Not About Popularity

Q: What is the significance of Jaishankar’s comments on India’s foreign policy? A: Jaishankar’s remarks highlight the government’s stance on foreign policy, emphasizing the prioritization of national interests over global perceptions.

Q: How does Jaishankar address criticisms regarding India’s energy deals with Russia amid the Ukraine conflict? A: Jaishankar defends India’s energy agreements, dismissing criticisms from Western entities and affirming India’s right to pursue its energy interests.

Q: What is Jaishankar’s stance on relations with Pakistan and the revocation of Article 370? A: Jaishankar reaffirms India’s commitment to counterterrorism efforts and defends the decision to revoke Article 370, asserting India’s sovereignty in the face of external pressures.

Q: How does Jaishankar address concerns regarding India’s relationship with China? A: Jaishankar underscores India’s historical vulnerabilities and challenges the opposition’s interpretation of strategic partnerships, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of India’s geopolitical dynamics.

Q: What message does Jaishankar’s speech convey regarding India’s foreign policy approach? A: Jaishankar’s speech reaffirms India’s commitment to assertive diplomacy, grounded in the defense of national sovereignty and interests, while challenging opposition narratives on foreign policy.

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